Three new PhDs awarded to young researchers trained within GLYCOPHARM

Young researchers of GLYCOPHARM participate in FOTCIENCIA




The Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) and the Experienced Researchers (ERs) of GLYCOPHARM have submitted several pictures to the science photography contest FOTCIENCIA12. 

FOTCIENCIA is a science photography contest organized by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) which aims to bring science and technology closer to people. If you want to see nice photos related with science, you only have to visit the web of the contest here

Can you guess which are the pictures submitted by the young researchers of GLYCOPHARM?  

The answer is in the links below. We invite you to take a look and hope it will encourage to vote for your favourites pictures.


 Participating in the General category: 


Participating in the Micro category: