GLYCOPHARM Final Conference, Spain (July 27-29, 2016)
7th GLYCOPHARM meeting in Prague, Czech Republic (February 15-17, 2016)
The 7th GLYCOPHARM meeting will take place in Prague from Monday 15 to Wednesday 17 February 2016 and the host partner will be the Univerzita Karlova V Praze (CUNI). Detailed information will be available as the date approaches.
Seminar "Can Biotechnology research be transferred?” (11/11/2015, Madrid)
Speaker: Daniel Ramón from Biopolis, a biotech company in Valencia, Spain. |
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Computational Approaches for the Study of Chemical and Biological Systems (November 23, 2015)
The joint spanish-japanese symposium will bring together researchers from both countries showing different approaches from the computational chemistry to address the study of chemical and biological systems.
Program is available on
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Attendance to the lectures will be free of charge. To register, please contact Deadline: 16th November 2015. Organizers: Sonsoles Martín-Santamaría and Shigeyoshi Sakaki Venue: CIB-CSIC, Madrid ( |
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GlycoBiology Summer School (September 23-25, 2015)
The GlycoBiology Summer School will take place on September 23-25 in Braga, Portugal, and it will be hosted by the University of Minho and CBMA. This Summer School aims to be a joint learning event with participations of lecturers from 4 ITNs on GlycoBiology: Glycopharm, Immunoshape, Gastric Glyco Explorer and GlycoPar. In brief, the topics of the Summer School are: • Glycobiology of Cancer • Carbohydrate Immunomodulators • Structural Glycopharmaceutics • Parasite Glycobiology The Summer School will further include a Workshop on managing R&D at enterprise level and on Intelectual property in a EU funding context. The invited speakers are presented below.
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Francisco CorzanaUniversidad de La Rioja (ES) |
Angelina PalmaUCIBIO, Department of Chemistry, NOVA University of Lisbon (PT) |
Filipa MarceloNOVA University of Lisbon & UCIBIO (R.U. on Applied Molecular Biosciences) @ REQUIMTE (PT) |
Dolores SolisCentro de Investigaciones Biológicas & Institute of Physical Chemistry "Rocasolano" - CSIC (ES) |
Cândida LucasCBMA (Centre of Molecular and Envrionmental Biology) - University of Minho (PT) |
Ana PretoCBMA (Centre of Molecular and Envrionmental Biology) - University of Minho (PT) |
João RodriguesIMM (Institute of Molecular Medicine) - University of Lisbon (PT) |
Alvaro Acosta-SerranoLiverpool School of Tropical Medicine (UK) |
Christine NeupertChief Technology Officer at Malcisbo AG (CH) |
Niels ReichardtCentre for Cooperative Research in Biomaterials - CIC biomaGUNE (ES) |
Celso ReisIPATIMUP - Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology at the University of Porto (PT)
INVITED GUEST SPEAKERS Workshop on Private R&D and Intellectual Property | ||
Michelle YegresRoche Diagnostics GMBH (DE) |
Simão SoaresChief Exective Officer at Silico-Life (PT) |
Joana SantosPatent Examiner at INPI - National Institute for Intellectual Property (PT) |
6th GLYCOPHARM MEETING (September 21-22, 2015)
The next GLYCOPHARM meeting will be hosted by the University of Minho at the School of Sciences in Braga, Portugal, on September 21-22 .
The program includes a workshop on Structural Glycobiology, organized by Prof. Antonio Romero (CSICc), ample time for presentations of the ESRs and ERs on the progress of their research projects, the meeting of the young researchers, a guided visit to the centre facilities, and the Supervisory Board meeting.
In the website you will find the registration form and all the required information to attend to this meeting as well as to attend the satellite event organised just after the meeting, the "GlycoBiology Summer School" that will be held on September 23-25.
V Workshop on Cancer Research (May 11-15, 2015)
- External event recommended by Gastric Glyco Explorer ITN
PLACE: Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology at the University of Porto (IPATIMUP)
Celso Reis (member of Gastric Glyco Explorer ITN)
Fátima Gartner
Salomé Pinho
5th GLYCOPHARM meeting (February 2-4, 2015)
Career development and proposal writing intensive workshop (February 5-6, 2015)
Mid Term Report Meeting (June 4, 2014)
The GLYCOPHARM Mid-Term Review (MTR) meeting will be held on July 4th in Madrid, Spain and it will be host by the partner Universidad CEU San Pablo (USP-CEU). The main objective of this meeting is to assess the progress of the Initial Training Network (ITN) in delivering on the goals set at the begining of the project, on November 2012. The Mid-Term Review should be understood as a constructive dialogue between the network participants and the Research Executive Agency project officer and is a valuable source of feedback to both the consortium and the Research Executive Agency (REA). For that reason, all recruited fellows as well as a representative of each partner are expected to gather for the MTR Meeting, including the Prof. Nishimura representing our associated partner in Japan, Hokkaido University. |
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Among other activities, all the recruited researchers (ESRs and ERs) will present a report offering an overview on their scientific and training progress within the GLYCOPHARM Network. In addition, prior to the MTR meeting a welcome dinner will take place on July 3th. |
3rd GLYCOPHARM meeting (June 25-27, 2014)
ANNOUNCEMENT The 3rd GLYCOPHARM's Network Meeting will be the Joint Meeting of the German partners, LMU, UKL-HD and ROCHE, and it will be held in Munich/Penzberg from Wednesday, June 25 (late afternoon) to Friday, June 27 (early afternoon). In this meeting emphasis will be given to the following issues:
In addition, an interesting visit to the ROCHE facilities are being scheduled for the attendees. We look forward to meeting you there!
2nd GLYCOPHARM Meeting (January 27-29, 2014)
2nd GLYCOPHARM's Network Meeting will be held from 27 January to 29 January 2014 and Toscana Biomarkers (TBM) will host the meeting at Scuola Superiore Santa Chiara, Università degli Studi di Siena, Italy.
Meeting Venue
Agenda |
- Pictures taken during the courses, the workshops and the visit to the TBM facilities
- Pictures taken during the presentations of the ESRs and ERs, the GLYCOPHARM young researchers

GLYCOPHARM: an european Marie Curie project in our University (November 25, 2013)
ANNOUNCEMENT The Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU repeated once again the seminar about GLYCOPHARM to acquaint its students with the Marie Curie Actions. On November 25, 4 members of GLYCOPHARM provides a seminar about GLYCOPHARM in the faculty of pharmacy of the Funadación Univarsitaria San Pablo CEU. The event was organized by Dr. Sonsoles Martín-Santamaría, associate professor in the university and member of GLYCOPHARM. |
Marie Curie Day @ UCD (November 21, 2013)
The University College Dublin (UCD) has organised the "Marie Curie Day @ UCD" on Thursday 21st November. It will be a day of activities focussed on Marie Curie funded research with the aim to highlight UCD’s involvement in Marie Curie Actions and to raise awareness and promote future involvement in the schemes. The Early Stage Researcher of GLYCOPHARM on this institution, Cecilia Romano, has been invited to participate displaying a poster about the project she is working on our ITN. All our best wishes for our Marie Curie ambassador! For further informatio, please visit this link: For further information regarding this event please visit the official website on |
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Joint GLYCOPHARM – DYNANO Summer School (September 30 - October 2, 2013)
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TRAINING ACTIVITY September 30 – October 2 2013Biological Research Centre, CSIC, MadridThis summer school will be organized in collaboration with the ITN DYNANO ( and it will be focussed on dynamic nano-systems of application in glycosciences. Furthermore, in order to promote women in science the summer school will include a Women Scientists. Day with female speakers. |

- Lectures
- Visit to CIB labs
- Networking activities
Post.-graduated course: Cancer Therapy: from basic research to clinic (July 15-24, 2013)
15th to 24th July 2013. Dpt. of Biology. University of UMINHO - TRAINING ACTIVITY
- Organizers:
Ana Preto: CBMA, Dept. of Biology (University of UMINHO) & GLYCOPHARM member
Fatima Baltazar: ICVS/3B's, ECS (University of UMINHO)
- Registration: (by 1st July) at CBMA (
- Contact: Ana Preto (
The course aims at giving an overview of cancer therapy, from classical chemotherapy to the development of new targeted therapies (e.g. drug nanodelivery systems). Our course will bring together experts with different basic research backgrounds (Biologists, Chemists, Biochemists, Pharmacists, Physicists, etc) and oncology health professionals, which will allow an open discussion on cancer research, as well as on current and future oncological treatments and patient care. The course will be organized in theoretical and laboratory classes and will also include a Workshop for Health Professionals (19th - 20th July 2013) entitled: “Oncological patient therapy- the role of health professionals”
Click here for more information
GLYCOPHARM's 1st Network Meeting in Dublin (June 5-7, 2013)
1st GLYCOPHARM's Network Meeting will be held from 5 to 7 June 2013 and Prof. Stefan Oscarson (NUID-UCD) will host the meeting at University College Dublin (Ireland). The meeting will include many training and team building activities as follows:
The second Supervisory Board meeting will take place during this event. |
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GLYCOPHARM team members in the University College of Dublin
GLYCOPHARM Workshop on Structure-Based Drug Design given by Dr. Sonsoles Martín-Santamaría
Team building activity: all together in a cosy and amusing dinner!
Dr. Solis talking during the Module I of the course in Chemical Glycobiology & Biomedicine
GLYCOPHARM RESEARCH SEMINARS (aimed at university students) (April 29, 2013)
HOST: Dr. Sonsoles Martín Santamaría, Faculty of Farmacy, Fundación Universitaria San Pablo-CEU, Madrid, Spain. Member of GLYCOPHARM Initial Training Network (GLYCOPHARM-ITN). SPEAKERS: Dr. Dolores Solís, coordinator of GLYCOPHARM-ITN; Alessandra Lacetera, first Early Stage Reseaercher recruited by GLYCOPHARM-ITN, and Ioanna Kalograiaki, an Early Stage Researcher of DYNANO-ITN. PLACE: Room 103B, building C. Faculty of Farmacy, Fundación Universitaria San Pablo-CEU, Madrid, Spain TIME: 12:00-13:00 hrs.
Two seminars will be held: 1. Computational Chemical Biology: Toll-like receptors and galectins as therapeutic targets 2. GLYCOPHARM: an ITN Marie Curie project in our University |
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The GLYCOPHARM's coordinator, Dr. Solís, talking about Marie Curie Actions to students of the University CEU San Pablo |
The GLYCOPHARM Early Stage Researcher Alessandra Lacetera talking about her experience in a Initial Treining Network
GLYCOPHARM's Kick-off Meeting & Supervisory Board Meeting (November 5, 2012)
On 05 November 2012, the coordinator Dr. Dolores Solís opened the Kick-off meeting by welcoming the attendees to the hosting institution, Agencia Estatal Consejo de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) in Madrid, Spain
The Kick-off meeting gathered most of the partners and offered the opportunity of discussing project details. It included the presentation of the partners’ activities, a summary of the structure and contractual rules of the Grant Agreement, an overview of finance and budget issues, and a review of terms and conditions for recruitment. The first Supervisory Board meeting was held at the end of the Kick-off meeting.
GLYCOPHARM team members at the Kick-off Meeting, November 2012, Madrid, Spain